Automatic Writing with President Kennedy's Spirit - Information about: Life after Death, Reincarnation, UFO's, So-Called Aliens, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Technology, Future Health Cures, Future Technology, The Shift, Politics and PEACE
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Light Refraction Filter for Space Travel
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Jack's Message to Americans - READ!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Jack on the Cancer of Racism
In light of the recent racist slurs and incidents in Washington surrounding the health care bill, I thought I'd print a comment from Jack concerning racism.
I want to talk tonight about the prejudice of people on earth. I think this needs to be flushed out. I say today to my countrymen, do not pass judgment on a person because of their skin color. So look at a man next time and scratch the surface and you will only see a spirit and energy, which is what we all are. Scratch the surface and all men are only spirits and energy. How could you hate a man for being the same type of spirit or creation from God as you and me? Many only see the surface, which is nothing but geographical and climatic genetics from God. The creator of the universe sent many different people to earth so many eons ago in different ways; too many to name, but that is why many can’t get along or have a hard time. The earth is a true melting pot for the universe but all have the same energy in God’s eyes, the same creation energy given to them. That is why to judge a man because he is brown or black or yellow or blond or brown-haired or Jewish or Irish or whatever is simply absurd and a product of an outdated way, which is finally passing, but lingers like a cancer on the earth. Do not judge a man by skin color and you will be wonderful in the eyes of the God force. If mankind can get over the hate for people because they are Mexican or white or Asian, then there will eventually be peace on earth.
This is the goal of the creator and all on our plane want this peace on earth before it is too late. If prejudice dies, then the blessings of the creator flourish. I want everyone to take the time to approach someone and strike up a conversation with someone of a different race than you and within a short time you will see that even though there are differences in some things such as thoughts and customs, there is a commonality of humanity that all men have on this planet.
Health Care Reform
Microwave Therapy and Colors
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mitholonians
Jack provides some fascinating information on ancient civilizations, so-called aliens and the earth's current ties to all of them:
We can say that some so-called alien planets are linked to planes here in the after life. They can travel freely between planes, as you will once again do on Earth as you did when Lemuria existed. This did not take place on Atlantis.
So some advanced planets really have a way of traveling to higher planes on our side. Jesus was sent from one of these planets and he roams his planet now and is set to possibly return to another planet in dire need of help as yours was.
We speak now of another so-called alien, another enlightened being who came to Earth to assist in Lemurian times. There would be writings of this figure, the first of the Jesus type of beings to come to Earth. Lemuria was very advanced spiritually and had technology too. This enlightened being helped to change those people. After the figure left Lemuria, another alien race intervened and helped destroy Lemuria because of rage and jealousy.
Later, Atlantis was born; such warlike people there creating a mood on Earth that Jesus came to change.
After the Shift, people will change, but the Earth will not go through any primitive phases ever again. The Creator is growing impatient with Earth. The Earth must free itself of its spiritual laziness.
Records of this enlightened being could be found in Lemurian records off the coast of Chile and Peru. Look for these.
You have read about the destruction of the world’s forests. Intervention has begun by aliens to plant seeds at night using energy devices to help new life flower. The so-called aliens have your best interests in mind. Do not fear them. They are here to help.
Gandar says Atlantis was highly evolved as their technology was fueled by two or three planets’ knowledge given to them. The Atlantians destroyed themselves and irritated those planets that had helped them. The so-called aliens were so mad that they did not intervene on Earth in the degree they had, until recently with the rise of the Foracaonians.
Atlantis never had cars. They had a type of travel you might see as a very fast, almost supersonic form of Jet Ski in your time or hydrofoil. Many have read that Atlantis was composed of island groups or jutting peninsulas. The hydrofoils allowed man to move fast in between the areas and some hydrofoils per se could travel at the speed of Mach 3. They were very fast with a different technology, a propulsion technology caused by refracting sunlight into a type of filter.
Atlantis had a form of information processor far superior to anything on Earth today. They were more advanced than you, and after the Shift, the world will be on par with Atlantis in 2600-2700 AD. You would not understand their computer technology, but it was given to them by so-called alien civilizations that in turn have made contact with the world on your plane. Much technology has come from these people. They guard the truth and their craft are what people sometimes see.
The Mitholonians are some of them and they come from Earthlike planets in the galaxy Mitholonia. They are very friendly aliens who can live up to 500-1000 years old. This will happen on Earth one day after the Shift when the air is clean and the water fresh.
Many experimental bodies and species and different races were sent to Earth. The first landing point was around Shanghai, China, somewhat drier then as the sea at that time was not as close. But, the druid-looking people populated there intermarried and then mixed with the other races dropped off for one reason or another on Earth.
The people of Earth were able to overcome some obstacles and began to have a flourishing civilization in what would be about 300,000 BC. Many would call this civilization Lemuria, which was off of the South American coast, running in the Pacific up to north of the Hawaiian Islands. Some of these islands and landmasses will reappear, such as Timara. When Timara appears, there will be seen ruins of Lemuria, a peaceful, ancient civilization destroyed by ET spacecraft that felt that they were making too much progress.
The Creator intervened and some of the Lemurians were saved and fled to what would become Atlantis. We will discuss more of this later, but a record of these people does exist and will be found.
As many have said, Lemuria was peaceful and focused on building and nature and doing good things for mankind. After Lemuria, Atlantis evolved, a highly technical people, but maniacally bloodthirsty. Sorry to say the world has been on a collision course with violence ever since 50,000 BC. and Atlantis’ destruction in 12,000 BC.
Even with the advent of Jesus Christ and the virgin birth, which was designed to give the world a story of a miracle, violence lingers. The world only knows one thing and that is violence.
It is now the third time on Earth that the planet has had atomic energy. The Lemurians had it, but a milder, more peaceful form. The Atlantians had it as well and the Egyptians were a nuclear power as far back as 10,000 BC, for 2000 years. But, the Creator intervened then, as mankind was not on the right path. Through the intervention of so-called aliens, this nuclear power was dissolved peacefully with no harm to the populace there.
The pyramids Mr. Morris helped build have nuclear cores underneath them. One should check the pyramids for nuclear energy, although it is a different form of nuclear energy. The so-called aliens also used the pyramids as a refueling stop to harness energy to power their craft. Mankind should look into the equations MC to the fourth, fifth and sixth powers.
You were a student in Alexandria, many years back. You were at a psychic academy, learning how to communicate with the dead. All were curious about that then, as they are now. A nuclear type explosion killed you during war with Atlantis, the final wars.
Friday, March 19, 2010
A New Equation
The Real Evolution of Mankind on Earth
Jack discusses another controversial revelation – that mankind is not descended from apes, but from various planets and spheres in our universe.
There was evolution on your planet, but in a different context than what is known. As said, several different planets and races populated mankind on Earth. It is a true melting pot of the universe. Some of the human forms left on Earth were of different sizes and color. Such was the beginning of the different races on Earth today.
Sorry to say there was no progression from apes to man. Apes were actually a form of entertainment or pets to some on other planets who introduced them to Earth many millions of years ago. Man did live with dinosaurs, but these people were killed by these creatures or shuttled off to other planets, as this was a mistake to try and populate the Earth at that time. Man then returned to Earth from different spheres to Earth to again live on the planet. Much of mankind was killed off the planet with some radioactive technology slightly different than in use today.
So the people of Earth are descendants of ET’s from several different planets that settled on Earth and bred and settled there again. The idea of man evolving from apes is something of a great joke here. APES ARE NOT EVEN FROM THE SAME PLANETS OR GALAXIES AS THE ANCESTORS OF MAN.
The Creator did not put the Earth together in six days, sorry to say.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Helping Those in Need
Some messages from Jack during automatic writing sessions in 2008:
Each man should do every day what he can to help those in need.
Look at the handicapped and the retarded and the blind and deaf and those who suffer from a medical system, which has abandoned them. Only the Republicans would allow American children to go without health care. This is a grave concern of mine.
People should live the Creator’s idea of helping others and we hope that Americans can move out of their ridiculous materialistic mindsets and fundamentally take the time to help those in need.
The homeless crisis is at the very forefront of our thoughts tonight. The homeless crisis is eating away at the soul of America. Many people do nothing to help.
The first group of people the nation should turn to are the wealthy. The super-wealthy are getting richer by the minute and do nothing to help these poor people. We do not refer to checks written at black tie events. A hands-on approach is needed. This is the beginning to the solution of this problem. The rich should be the first in line to render assistance to the homeless.
This would start by the rich going to food lines or homeless shelters and seeing first hand what these people go through each day. Then apply that to developing strategies for destroying the old system and rebuilding a new one from the bottom up.
Just think of the energy that is wasted by the super rich, these modern day robber barons that do nothing. I could care less about their money. I admire them for earning it, but the Creator and I are not happy with the way they spend it. If they would first move away from the lack of spirituality, they could actually realize that there is a problem that exists in the first place.
Jackie is here to say that they must take this first step of moving away from the cars and the boats and everything that is not needed. Through spiritual growth can they then be on the path of helping the poor. Jackie says that the super rich must study the history of poverty and the homeless problems and how it has existed since the dawn of modern man. Even though the world is quite progressive now in technology it is still medieval in its thinking.
IT IS NOT THE RIGHT OF MANKIND TO IGNORE THESE PROBLEMS. There are certain duties that people have not to government, but to God. When these duties are ignored, the Creator will decide that perhaps a whole people or nation has to endure a karmic lesson. This karma of poverty will strike in the United States, as this lesson is not being learned. When the super rich study how to be spiritual, this is the first step toward learning.
How can they do this? Jackie says to meditate. This is only the first step. Meditate on homelessness and poverty and the solutions will come into the minds of people who can really do something. With prayer, which is deep meditation, they will learn how to help those in need.
Bobby now adds that the rich must begin to read more about this problem. When they know the real facts, they will be in a position to make decisions that can be decisive.
The super rich should begin to read meta-physical books. Many in this nation do not even know what that term means. America is in a very bad place as said. This lack of interest is harming the nation. Learn the ways of spirituality and harness the ideas of Edgar Cayce and the enlightened beings.
Through meditation and the understanding of metaphysical aspects will the process of helping the poor begin.
Jackie says that meditation is the way to your heart. People must learn to understand each other.
Bobby says hands-on work is what is needed. When they see the problems, they will know what should be done. This would involve working in a homeless shelter or a home and finding out what can be done.
One can really learn how desperate these people are. They need help and most are not willing to help. Through work in soup kitchens or at holiday events will the super rich see what it is like to be homeless first-hand. What a shock it will be to these people. Once these people are on the fringes of society they will see what it is like.
Why don’t the news people discuss this and do some serious work on this issue? When rich men are sleeping next to homeless men in cardboard boxes, then we will know they are on their way to being complete souls. NO ONE CAN BE A COMPLETE SOUL UNLESS THEY HELP OTHERS. Mankind must understand that to ignore, or worse abuse those without means is a karmic disaster for the individual or nation doing that. The United States will pay a karmic debt very soon. Hard times are coming to the land of the free. The nation will learn many lessons as children do.
Helping others means not just family, but total strangers. This is the message of Jesus.
Many are afraid of these people. All are not insane or on drugs. Many are just carrying a load of bad luck with them from shelters to the streets. When they see what has happened to these poor wretches will they finally have a passion to act.
The rich should try and hire some of these homeless people. Many more will need help soon as the economy is set to tailspin. There will be riots which are much more violent than in the Sixties.
Jackie says more shelters are needed as well where people can go for a hot meal or to a clinic. These shelters should be free for these people. Bobby says there are many people in this country who need three meals a day and aren’t getting them.
Bobby says medical care for the homeless is tantamount here.
There must be more than just emergency services for them. Why aren’t the wealthy infusing money into this program? The nation is wasting so much money on perpetual war, while abandoning its own citizens.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Our Friends, the Pleiadians
The Creator has chosen several alien races to protect the Earth. The Pleiadians are one and they will never let the Earth die. It will flourish no matter what the idiot species of man does. Mankind will never destroy itself again. There will be no rapture, no end times.
The Shift will happen and then end and the world will shine forth. The Earth will be here and may in fact be around longer than anyone on your planet can guess. Your sun will burn out, Gandar says, but be replaced by a sun that is created by alien technology. Do not ask how or when this will happen. One day, in more years than you can imagine.
We will now tell you a little about the spirit, the higher being Gandar. Gandar was on Earth in some incarnations to help all, but is an advanced spirit and has been on other planets. He is what you would call an ET. He is from a Pleiadian planet in the S Series of Pleiadian planets.
He is a higher being who will incarnate back to his home, a Pleiadian planet that is more advanced than Earth. Perhaps he will come to Earth 2000 years from now.
The Earth is a very backward place that could have been 1000 years ahead of the S Series of planets. Earth people have destroyed the planet two times. This will not happen again.
Gandar says that all should study the meaning of Christmas as I have repeated. This is of course Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men of all creeds and colors and social statuses.
Gandar does not look like an Earth person. He is taller, slender with six fingers and his eyes are lighter. He has some hair and he is a very warm and caring being.
Here is some information on communications from past civilizations. They had a similar way of communicating, like a computer teleprompter. Recordings were made and computers were in use and have been on Earth before. Of course computers were re-introduced to the Earth currently by so-called aliens.
There are buried records, which have not been excavated. Go to the coordinates 30 degrees 09 minutes, 45 degrees 67 minutes. Look there.
Traumatic events like the eruption of Vesuvius were filmed and recorded by what you would call UFO’s. They have these files on record. These advanced peoples have filmed most events on Earth. They will show them to man one day and it will be one of the most fascinating things to see.
Mankind does not yet understand the power of animals and nature to help man. The dog was brought to Earth about 125,000 years ago. Scientists may disagree. That is irrelevant. Scientists do not have an accurate picture of the development of the world.
The story of the domestication of dogs by bringing dogs and wolves together into a passive animal is only part of the story. So-called aliens came to Earth with a sort of engineering animal to begin breeding softer, gentler creatures. They knew that men on Earth needed and still need animals around them.
So what we’re really trying to say is that dogs are not really Earth creatures, just as dolphins aren’t either. We speak of these two creatures tonight. Dogs really are ET’s that have bred into Earth. And, dogs did breed a little with wolves, but they bred between themselves. So you must think of dogs as not being from Earth.
Man will actually have a greater role with dolphins one day. Man must ensure that they do not become extinct. They will one day be the dutiful companions of the world’s population along the waterways and seas. There will be less land after the Shift, sorry to say.
This is the cleansing the world needs. The dolphins will be able to communicate with man in a manner, which we are not as liberty to detail now. Gandar is not with us now, but has instructed us with the proper revelation of this material. Dolphins are ET’s from a same race of so-called aliens that look much like Earth people.
Man will learn some new things about dolphins soon. They are special and were brought here by so-called aliens to help balance the eco system.
This same alien race is responsible for helping marine life. They will always protect these very intelligent creatures that have the equivalent of a 100 IQ.
There will be some so-called alien intervention during the Shift and their presence will be noticed. They will stop a hydroelectric dam from collapsing near Salinas, California. They will do things to let people know they are here. By then the Foracaonians will be gone. They are creatures from the dark side and are on their way out.
There is some ET activity around the United States. ET’s are monitoring changing weather and seismic conditions and such things. They have delayed an eruption of Mount Rainier. There will also be some movements of ET’s that will be picked up by satellites. This will be the first evidence of sounds from alien communication. The government will try to throw this away as nonsense, but it isn’t. Look for this to happen in May or June.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Remote Viewing a Parallel Dimension - Spiral Technology
Friday, March 12, 2010
Time is Non-Existent

Jack touches upon the concept of time:
Health Care Update
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mitholonian Clocking Devices
The clocking devices could be examined and many things found for them to assist with the formation of new technology. We say tonight that this will help give the world the information to move it into a whole new sphere of thought and technology."
Monday, March 8, 2010
Giza Pyramid - Clean Radiation

Some recent information concerning the pyramids:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Clean Nuclear Fusion - The Power to Travel Faster than Light Speed

Jack has frequently mentioned that Einstein's equation E = MC 2 was only the beginning of the type of quantum physics calculations that will enable mankind to explore other solar systems. If mankind is to leave this planet and travel to other star systems new technology must be invented through the use of new equations. Jack and Gandar(the Peledian light being who assists him) have consistently given me four new equations to present to the world. They are:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Revelation and the Vatican UFO Cover Up
Bobby is here and he says that there wil be more so-called alien activity in the United States. It will increase and increase and finally this true story will come out. Let us discuss this subject, this final “Revelation” of who these so-called aliens are and how this will happen.
As said, the actual apperance, the arrival per se, will be during the Physical Shift while chaos is reigning. We see 2018 as the beginning of the Revelation. This has been covered up a long time during the history of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has documents that are buried in the Vatican vaults. These documents mention contact between some representatives of the European monarchy, Church officials and so-called aliens in the last 1500 years. Of course the Church wishes to cover this up. It’s a business and they would be out of business, I assure you.
These documents have logs that detail contact with alien nations, those we always speak of who are assigned by the creator to help earth.
There are documents that go as far back as Charlemagne. There have been secret meetings between the Vatican and so-called aliens. These aliens range from Peledians who mainly look like the Dutch to the Mitholonians who resemble the science fiction versions of aliens.
Gandar says the last pope spoke with the aliens at a secret base near Milan, Italy. There are hidden areas in the Italian Alps where meetings have beeen going on for many years. Before that the meetings were in Rome. Alien groups have told the Vatican and world governments that the time is coming when the old religions and such ways of thinking will be thrown aside. The Vatican knows that the whole story is not the exact truth.
Let us be clear; Jesus’ message is live the Golden Rule. Yes, Jesus was an ET. He was put on earth by alien races from a distant galaxy. This has been part of the cover up. The cover up is mainly to prevent worldwide chaos, but the creator has decided that the world must know the truth. In order for mankind to progress into the Aquarian Age, man must move forward from these old Piscean ways of black and white religious dogma.
These so-called aliens are working with the Church and the Vatican knows the clock is running out. The Vatican understands this and that much of what they say is right, but also wrong. The cover up also involves technology that is being used and hidden. In 1965 there was a meeting between Soviet, U.S., British and French representatives and those from four alien nations. The aliens stated that there would not be another third world war. Any action started would be diffused. They told them to find ways to come to peace with their ideologies. Finally, the alien nations warned the Soviet Union that their way of life would not last forty more years. Communism was supposed to collapse in the time frame 1992-2000. But, its demise was speeded up by Reagan and Pope John Paul II. Both of these men were sent by the creator to destroy this type of government and they succeeded in their mission.
So, you see the cover up is not going to continue much longer.
We can tell you now that so-called aliens are involved in electing Barack Obama. Obama is the man to move the people into the new Aquarian Age.
As every month and year passes until July 26, 2018, when the Revelation will come. This will show that man is not alone. A fleet of alien spacecraft will land in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, DC and in every city in the world. A dozen ships will land in every city in the world. They will come in peace for the universe and the progression of mankind. People will say, it’s okay, we knew this was the truth anyway. There will be technology revealed and things seen and recorded that build up to this day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Goodbye GOP
President John F. Kennedy