"What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, and the kind that enables men and nations to grow, and to hope, and build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time but peace in all time."

Friday, January 21, 2011


We wish to add that we would like all Americans to think for a moment what kind of nation you want to live in. What kind of country do you want for the future? Things are spinning in the wrong way for Americans. And, as the leader of the planet they are forcing the common good of other nations, their goodness to be overcome by the immense negativity emanating from the United States.

There is too much stress and negative thoughts and the manipulation of the people by the media and the corporations and robber barons and those in the military complex who want perpetual war. What if Americans awoke one day and were told, "You do not have to be at war."

AMERICANS, YOU DON'T NEEED TO BE AT WAR. There is no reason for these wars and cease making war and move forward. Things will turn positive for the nation. Put aside your fears and stop the wars. Then, and only then, will the nation be ready to advance.

Peace is the only way America; not war and strife and conflict. Americans have so much external and internal strife under their belts, they don't even know what normality is anymore.

Peace and God Bless...

Red Lights Over Washington, D.C.

As said, the colored lights, the red lights are coming. They will be over the White House and all of Washington, D.C. This will happen the second week of February. Look for four or five red lights hovering and floating around. There will be reports of this. They will be dismissed as military aircraft, but this is simply not going to be true. These will be Pleiadian or Mitholonian ships saying hello and we are coming in peace for all mankind. Stop the lies world governments! This will accelerate; the lights and reports, etc. This Revelation is going to happen in 2018 we believe. This is the Revelation of life everywhere in the universes. What a laugh for mankind to think they are alone. But, this has all be part of the cover up and mankind has bought the lies - hook, line and sinker.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Mound in the American Southwest and Ancient Crystals

Jack speaks again of the mound located on a ranch in the Southwest.

We know that there is an ancient town underneath the property where the mound is located. There were at one time, 5000 inhabitants in this town. Underneath the property, one would find the remains of crystal generators that powered whole cities, whole continents, nations and civilizations. With the power of crystals, this would enable mankind to power cities with a smaller output of electricity than mankind uses. This is a different type of electricity and is truly peaceful. It’s a form of clean fusion.
It is all about clean fusion and clean energy and that will be the way for the world in the future. Man will understand and learn the power of crystals to also power spacecraft, enabling him to travel to the outermost regions of the universe.

Ancient Computers under Water

Jack speaks again of the ancient computer located near Pescara, Italy

This computer speed is greater than anything people can now imagine, perhaps a million times more powerful for processing information.
Man will need to have the best equipment and technology available when the Shift occurs. Man should begin to look for this computer.
We will give you many more locations to help the world with locations of this technology and communications and maps. We hope to help the world and assist man in the advancement of the planet. God Bless.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ancient Computer Technology

Computer technology will be found in some areas of Italy now. This technology is from a past civilization from one of the Mitholonian groups; in the Abruzzo area, near Pescara actually; about 2000 feet down underneath sediment. There’s an area that drops off sharply. There is some computer technology from the Mitholonian planet, Sempris. This is the easiest way to say the name of the planet. This computer technology is light years ahead of what mankind now has. This new technology would allow man to see and mentally enter the scene and interact with the scene without harming oneself. This would allow one to be sort of an interactive voyeur.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Return of Martin Luther King

Here's a prediction from Jack in 2008, concerning the reincarnation of Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King will be coming back shortly, Bobby says, and he will be on your plane within seven months. He will be coming back to the United States to be a leader, who during the Shift and after will help give people faith. He will survive the Shift and become something of a leader in local politics and maybe a national senator. He will again inspire people and he will not be a black man. He will be a white man and from a poorer background. He will be from a coastal city on the Atlantic, which will be devastated during the Shift, near the present day Maryland/Virginia border. This will be a very important mission for him and he is a fine soul. Pray for his success in this new life.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Colored Lights across the World

More and more colored lights will be seen over the Vatican and London and Washington, DC. Soon there will be a sighting of colored lights over the White House. Watch for the lies to cover this up. This is all about power and control, sorry to say.

What is Killing the Birds and Fish?

In answer to your question about the birds and fish; this is a sickness caused by environmental poisoning from radiation in the air. They should check this out for radiation leaks in the atmosphere. There are several reasons for this radiation poisoning there.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

In the Year...3011

In 3011, the human race will be somewhat taller. There will be mixed races, but there will still be all white men and all black men, but they will be the minority. A mixture of all will eventually happen, as this is the best course for the creator’s plan. There will be computers of such speed and power as to amaze you my friend. Cloning will not happen, as man will always think the cloning of humans to be barbarian. There will be no world religions. There will be the Oneness; the oneness with the creator and a love, a true love for nature as none on your planet could begin to understand now. War will have long been obsolete and there will be very little crime as mankind will be on the verge of truly ascending into the god forces’ idea of a living to attainment. The world will look a little like what you now have, but in many ways much different.
We can say that 10,000 years from now the earth will be there and will be a wonderful beacon of beauty for your universe. God Bless.

After the Shift

After the Shift, the world will be about 83% water. The world will be blue and green and all forests that are being destroyed by man will have grown back. Fossil fuels will be long gone and there will be all sorts of ways to travel by cars powered by crystal batteries and then by thought travel. This will be the beginning when man can move with thought. The Emmanuelle will begin to tell man about these things. She will be a healer and a uniter and a true spokeswoman for the future in all aspects. Look for a ship coming to land near a crossroads.
Okay, with thought travel, man will be able to move as a physical being through energy fields and patterns. Man will be able to separate energy fields in a way and learn to move through them. Of course there will be crystal- powered hydro craft and crystals will be the earthbound means of travel replacing hydrogen. Man will have the means to move out of his solar system and into other galaxies with the use of controlled clean nuclear fusion. We have spoken of this many times. This will be only the beginning and to be understood when Einstein’s theory is flipped upside down and squared twice, four, six and eight times. Fibonacci numbers will be used in this too.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jesus' Predecessor on Lemuria

An enlightened being was sent to Lemuria to assist them in becoming a highly advanced civilization. If Lemuria had not been destroyed, the arrival of Jesus would not have happened. But, the earth was stained by Atlantis and Jesus’s birth was necessary. God Bless.
This wonderfully enlightened being that was sent to Lemuria, walked the earth 175,000 years ago. Look for stones of him in areas of the South Pacific. The being was Polynesian in nature and looks. He helped bring the society together with the Oneness.
The Oneness is not only of the future, as it was part of the past.
In the Andes, these people will also know the story of this enlightened being from Lemuria. Look to Easter Island as well.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cancer Cures Inside the Pyramids

We move to rocket fuel. It will no longer be in use within five to ten years. New technology will take its place. We will give you locations where man can find technology, medicinal healing applications and so forth. This technology is from Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mitholonians.
I am being instructed to tell you, as I’m really just a clerk here (LOL), that one should look at one of the smaller pyramids south of Cairo. Inside a chamber are some documents for the development of vaccines to ward off cancers. There was no cancer on Atlantis or Lemuria old friend. That’s because they knew the secret to healing with plants and their medicinal uses and the use of other technology. This pyramid is located close to Giza, but smaller.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mexican Ruins from Lemuria

We will give you many locations and technology to be used. We speak now of a a locations outside of Mexico City, a fairly large lake that rises and falls with the seasons. At the bottom of the lake in the exact center at the bottom and buried 12 to 15 feet are important documents from a civilization. These settlers that landed there were ancestors of the first settlers on Lemuria who scattered and went further east. These documents will show man how to make devices that would help him survive different changes in gravity in space and atmospheres and oxygen changes. This is a converter technology man will use when he leaves his solar system and universe one day.

The Pyramids - Technology, Trapped Thoughts, Crystals and The Shift

There will be some discoveries in Egypt, which will add light to what we have said about the so-called aliens involved in the construction of the pyramids. There will be a find per se, a carpenter’s credentials. Look for tools that are more sophisticated than what man has now. There will be a calculator in there as well. It’s capable of doing higher math than man knows now. It is run by a crystal battery and man will figure out a way to get this thing running. This will be a big story in the news and look for this.There have been chambers and steps and tunnels not explored yet. They have a special energy in them that would let man see visions of the past and future and give man more technology.
All is energy and thoughts are energy. Thoughts can be trapped in dimensions as well as human kinetic energy. When building the pyramids, the so-called aliens left thoughts in the pyramids for man to reflect upon in another time. Man will, upon entering these areas absorb these thoughts that are from higher spiritual beings. The thoughts will enter the minds of humans on your plane.
Let us continue, for it is important. When you have thoughts it is energy and can continue to float, to travel to places in your plane. Your thoughts are limited mainly to your plane. They can and often determine man’s future in a current incarnation. So, those who emphasize positive thougths are speaking the truth. Use thoughts to help one another and being on the true path for your soul. Do not use thought energy for obtaining a car, a house or clothes. These are not things that the soul can transport to any plane, but the one you are in now.
The more one thinks of positive thoughts in particular, the more positive things will happen. Negative thoughts are often stopped by spiritual light beings, who obviously do not want this bad energy to destroy or hurt anyone.
Only in a karmic situation are these negative thoughts allowed to pass through and affect a situation’s evolution.
So, in the pyramids, we will say tonight that there are thoughts in the 23rd and 33rd chambers, steps and levels. The thoughts are in the Giza pyramid and others, look to them and they will give man energy ideas for the future and the saving of the planet.
The creator believed that mankind would be once again on the way to destroying the planet. He allowed the so-called aliens to plant thoughts in the pyramids. These will be discovered and it will help man save the planet and prepare for the Shift.
The Shift is happening and we pray it is not as bad as it looks.
The pyramids will not be destroyed in the Shift, as the knowledge from that civilization will be needed in the future. Much of the knowledge left over from past civilizations is going to be recovered. We will try to help mankind find these places. I hope you understand the importance of this.Yes, and knowledge of this technology will enable crystals to have a viewing capability. Man will be able to leap ahead 100 years or so.

Africa, the Super Continent

Africa, the super continent is going back to its origins of being the most advanced place on earth, even greater than Lemuria. This civilization there was from a higher sphere than Mitholonia or the Pleiadians. It was called Ronaley.
There are many souls being born who will come to maturity during and after the Shift. They are ready to help Africa become the new super continent. As said, Ronaley Africa stood as a great civilization. It was equal to Atlantis in technology, but with the intellectual and spiritual advancement of Lemuria. Much of Ronaley’s technology was destroyed by Atlantis and there is still wreckage. At one time, the continent of Africa was split in two. One should look towards the old Congo. This evidence can be found there.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wreckage from an Atlantis Battle

We will say now that underneath the Gulf of Mexico is the location of the wreckage of a great battle from the Atlantis Empire. This battle was against a foreign hostile force of an advanced African civilization. This civilization’s origins are from another sphere, which we have not mentioned yet.
One should look for evidence of this battle near Texas and the Florida panhandle. They would find many hydrofoils, laser devices and flying instruments. This could help mankind and could be harnessed for CIVILIAN use.
Look to 476 miles south of Beaumont, Texas. In water over 600 feet deep there can be found remnants. Also, look to Panama City, Florida and 135 miles south of there in roughly depths of 800-1000 feet of water there are remnants of this great battle that brought about the decline of Atlantis. This African civilization was very advanced and saw Atlantis as a threat, which they were. Atlantis at the time was much like the United States. It made war and this brought about its end.
Atlantis was finally destroyed when two civilizations ganged up on it to finally do it in. Unfortunately, though, the world went into a decline afterwards.
The survivors of Atlantis propogated on earth, but Atlantis did much damage as other civilizations were devastated and the earth had to begin again.

An Atlantis Revival?

There is a new series of planets evolving who want to emulate Atlantis, but this is not possible, as the creator wants no revival of a race of people who are universally rejected as fools who blew themselves up and gave the world the legacy of war and conflict that continues to this day.


Lemuria was simply the most spiritually enlightened place mankind has ever seen on your planet. Man must strive to live in Lemurian ways. These were peaceful people who came from a sector of the universe, which seeks peace. Seek peace and the positive energy will surround you. Those who seek war bring negative energy around them. More negativity brings more war and fear and hatred.
Many of those who are drawn to yoga are formerly from Lemuria. We spent a few lives there and were taught the ways of peace. But, unfortunately, the warlike blood of Atlantis ran through your veins. This has finally faded. God Bless. This will never return and the creator would like you to continue studying nature. This is good for your soul’s development.
Lemuria represents the time period of man’s greatest advancement on earth. This was 500-560,000 years ago when it began and to its height about 200,000 years ago. Lemuria fell about about 125,000 years ago, long before Atlantis collapsed. Lemuria was destroyed by an outside alien power that was jealous of the civilization’s rise. This outside power believed Lemuria would become warlike and a threat, but they had no intention though.
It is hard for mankind to see this now, but the pursuit of peace is the world’s only future. Only through the seeking of peace will mankind evolve. This constant thirst for war is only sending the United States backwards and propelling the planet’s and the universe’s timeline backwards.


The Mitholonians were sometimes allied with Atlantis, but they did not always get along. The Atlantians, we really can say, were the earthbound forms of the Mitholonians. The Atlantians were so warlike that the peaceful, science oriented Mitholonians thought they were crazy.

Jack speaks for the first time about a mound located in the American Southwest.

Gandar reminds us to say that on Mr. White’s mound, there are some hollow, coin-like devices that are like rings and can be used to help balance a person’s energy. This is not to be feared. These devices are made from metals not known to man on earth, but can be copied in a modern laboratory. The closest metal on earth to replicate these devices is copper.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Amazon, a Man-Made River?

This seems far-fetched now but there was flooding that created the Amazon. This was caused by artificial means. Man doesn’t know this, but the Amazon was created by explosions and other devices, and so forth. The flood passed over civilizations and there are artifacts there. There is technology that can help man there. There should be funding for an expedition to assist in finding some of the more advanced technology from a civilization that was allied with Atlantis, but not Atlantis.
There were many small civilizations, not just Lemuria and Atlantis. Do not think in these terms. Think of many small pockets of different peoples from the five major alien groups, and in fact from some other realms and spheres that attempted to propogate on the earth. God Bless.

Brothers and Sisters

Gandar is holding a tablet, which is a holographic playbook for the project. It has moving pictures, graphics and sound. The closest thing you would have on your plane is a Blackberry. Who do you think gave you the technology; none other than ET’s and light beings as usual, the true messengers of technology.
There will come a time when everyone in the world is more concerned about the state of their brothers and sisters than about national boundaries and wars and foreign armies. We say that there will come a time when that will virtually disappear and people will say, “I am from earth.” That is all that will really matter.”
This is very far in the future and there will still be countries per se, but people will feel much more united than they are now.
So, this idea of denying people medical coverage is disgusting. Those on our plane, enlightened beings are working now to changes this in America.


Let us move to the Bahamas and the location of more hidden technology. We will tell you the outline for the empire of Atlantis. Atlantis was actually two continents. One area stretched from Bermuda to Florida to the Bahamas and north back to Bermuda. This area was the capital of Atlantis. At this time, Atlantis was narrow and could be traveled in eight hours or so by very fast hydrofoils powered by crystals. Atlantis also stretched from the Azores to Portugal north to the French coastline and south to North Africa and to Cyprus, all part of the Atlantean empire.
In the Bahamas area, one must look to the center of technology underwater. This would be north from Aruba, bisecting a line in the smaller islands of the Bahamas. This is located underneath reefs. This technology center is a communication center, such as one finds at a TV station. Look to the smallest island of the Bahamas chain and 400 miles north of Aruba bisecting through the area and you will find in water there, the remains of the great communications headquarters of Atlantis.
Atlantis’ population numbered at one time about 30,000,000, but not the complete population for the world then.
Sonar would find this and it will be there. There are such things there as cameras and microphones, much of what you have, but also higher technology that enabled one to watch a scene and project themselves into that scene.


Enlightened beings have arrived on the earth to help in many times. Moses was not an enlightened being, but was given power to do things. Much of the bible story about him is true. He did well. We should say the creator divided the Red Sea through seismic force, but Moses was an instrument. The story of Passover is true. God Bless.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jesus from the Alexian Galaxy

Let us for a moment discuss how Jesus did perform these miracles. It is okay to say this, Gandar says. He is the head guy and I have to do what I’m told. LOL. But, he is a good boss. LOL. Jesus, the E.T. is from another planet in the Alexian Galaxy; many, many light years away. Do not measure the distance. It is so advanced that Jesus, an enlightened being from the realm there interacts with our plane regularly and higher planes we mentioned.

Now on to Jesus and Syrmonus again; this is the third planet farthest out in the Alexian Galaxy. There language is not that different than Sanskrit. Jesus, like many so called aliens is an enlightened being, and is able to summon and do things based on energy transferral and thought.
Gandar says hello and says this is a good topic. Jesus was from the Alexian Galaxy. At one time, the Alexians were settled in the area of the Middle East and parts of North Africa and into Southern Europe. This was in 90,000 B.C. This would have been before Atlantis. These people were friendly and traded. They sailed the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. They also left some aspects of their civilization along the Pacific coast and near present day Madagascar. An island chain will rise near Madagascar that will show the remnants of an Alexian civilization.
Jesus’ miracles were real and were quite easy for him to do. The technology these people had on earth is still not understood. They were able to move molecules and atoms around in something mankind cannot fathom. Mankind will only be able to understand it when math is learned. But, the people of earth will say, “We know mathematical principles.” Bobby wishes to say that the people of earth know only about 40% of the math the so-called aliens can solve. There are symbols, equations and formulas not even fathomed by man on earth. So, put away the video games tonight and learn math, as it will help mankind.
When the so-called aliens reveal themselves, they will bring evidence to show that Jesus Christ was born in the Alexian Galaxy and sent to earth to help all. God Bless. They will bring recordings of Jesus on his planet and sphere. The recordings with Jesus will say, “You are all one. God is love and the so-called aliens from this sphere and others are here to help and assist you. They mean you no harm. Do not confront them. Welcome them.”
The aliens are not dumb Barry. They know that if Jesus sends a message than the people will say, we do believe. Jesus will not return to earth. This is not the intent of the message from him. It will be shown to the world on various broadcasting systems. Jesus will appear speaking many tongues, so all will know what is happening.
This is not Revelations as the Bible thumpers say. But, Barry, there will be later messages telling the world to prepare for the Shift. Other enlightened beings such as Buddha will give messages to the world, saying help the so called aliens. They are here to help you. God Bless.

The Continuous Journey

When rising into our plane, the soul immediately feels the change in the vibrational level and feels free and alive and young. It is a wondrous feeling for many. Please remember this is a continunous journey. Many on your plane do not understand or believe this. They believe that all is finished or that one is in permanent retirement here. There is simply no stopping for a soul who wants to progress. This process continues over and over again. God Bless.

The Creator

The Emmanuelle is not at this moment a creator. She may very well be some day, thousands and thousands of years from now. The creator is Yahweh and that is how we wish to refer to the creator.
The creator is a soul and an enlightened being from another galaxy outside of earth’s rotation, in an area near the Alexian Galaxy. The creator has been the creator for about a time frame of a million years. The time frame is not important a loving creator lives to help all of mankind.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Final Pope

The Emmanuelle’s arrival will be signal the fall of the Catholic Church. It did wonderful things for mankind, but mankind has outgrown it. The last pope is coming in three to five years. He will reign for 34 years and be from Africa, a cardinal from there with a French name and French speaking. He will be the man who will bring the Vatican and the Church through the Shift. God Bless.

The New Religion is No Religion

She will heal many people as the unbelievers will see. The unbelievers will see the Emmanuelle walk into a hospital and into a children’s ward. She will look at them and say, “Get up, walk away, you are now healthy.” This will be reported across the globe.
People will say this woman, this being, is not from earth. The Emmanuelle will say, “No, of course not. I have come to help all of mankind and to tell all of humanity about the Oneness. This is the new religion, so to speak. BUT, THE NEW RELIGION IS NO RELIGION.
There will be people who will not like what we are saying. The Piscean leftovers do not grasp what is happening. Their energy is not high enough to understand this project.
The Emmanuelle will do the following and we say this: she will show the world some cures for any remaining uncured cancers. She will show the world cures for other illnesses not already cured.
We say tonight that the Emmanuelle is the final chapter of the Shift. After she leaves mankind will have a clean start, fresh and new. Mankind must never destroy each other or the planet again. After she leaves all war will be an aberration on the planet forever. There will be no wars. The Middle East will thrown down its arms and seek peace. The Emmanuelle will say peace is the only way, a new endeavor for the planet.

More on the Creator

Jesus has not been the creator, but Jesus may very well take the reign in the future, thousands of years from now.
This is not so controversial. These creators are all very enlightened beings, so high, very high loving all things and nature and the universe. It is not shocking for us because things are not what they seem to earth people.

Jack's Plane

We say tonight that the plane here is not what people think. In many ways, it is an energy continuation of your plane, but much more advanced. There are no harps floating and people in white sheets talking to a man in a beard.
Of course we have no bodily functions, but we have thoughts and love. Our minds and souls have more knowledge than your mind can imagine. Unfortunately, the kitchen is closed here. LOL.
So, you see in some ways it is different. In other ways, it is not. We also have the power to change our environment here as well.
When man frees himself from the shackles of religion on your plane, he will truly be ready to usher in the new age, the Aquarian Age. This is coming, but many will resist. Religion is not truly what many think
Know this: the creator loves all and wishes all to love each other and when this happens, the world will be ready; earth will be ready to advance to the next stage. Many on this plane and on higher planes will rejoice at mankind’s final realization that war and violence and bigotry and hate are a disgrace.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Who is the Creator?

The creator is a very, very enlightened high energy being, greater in power than all beings on your planes or most in the universe. But, the creator is not infallible. As such, it is hard for people to understand, but the creator has made mistakes and the creator was created by the life force of the universe.
We will tell you now that sometimes the creator wishes to move to another sphere or universe, or in fact, just rest. There are other superior higher light beings who can take over, per se. There have been about 20 creators since the universe that you inhabit was formed some many years before.
So, think of the creator as a loving energy light being there to help all. When you think of a good soul from earth such as John Paul II or Mother Theresa, you must know that they are nothing in goodness compared to the love of the creator. God Bless.
It is not our wish to cause unrest and riots, but this information must be put out. The creator is love and wishes to love all in the universe and help all. When mankind loves one another and pursues the love of nature and the planet and betters the individual soul and spirit; the creator is happy.

The Emmanuelle and the Muslim World

She will make an appearance in the Middle East and there will be some attempts to stop her physically. She will repel these with the force of power and energy. She is on a higher level now, in another star system. She will make an appearance on a Sunday in Jerusalem. It will still be there. She will finally say, “I am for peace, peace for eternity on this planet.” She will cause the Middle East to change its ways through several miracles and events. She will save a woman who is going to be executed there. Yes, even then they will still execute people. It will disappear soon from America, within a decade, maybe 15 years. It’s a venomous, hated, practice; a horrible thing for man to do to each other.
This will be the first miracle as civil war reins in the Muslim world between those who are enlightened and those who wish to continue the old ways. She will arrive on a battlefield near Jordan and say enough fighting; there will be no more fighting. Those who want war will try and kill her and she will put this down and disarm the armies by the thousands.
We speak now of our roles during this time. We will still be on our plane when the Emmanuelle comes to earth. But, we may visit earth to help those on the planet.

Who Was Jesus? Who is the Emmanuelle?

Love all mankind, Barry; enemies, friends, rich, poor. Help the poor and that is the message of Jesus Christ, the enlightened being who came to help all mankind. He will be returning to another distant planet to help misguided souls there, but will arrive in adult form and not be persecuted, but only do good deeds and explain to the misguided planet outside of the S Series of planets. It’s far away, so don’t worry about the location. Jesus will be referred to there by a name you cannot understand.
Yes, now, when the planes finally come together and this will be talked about by the Emmanuelle. She will say things like prepare yourself for the joining of heaven and earth. She will say all over the world.
Let us speak about the Emmanuelle for a moment. She will do some wondrous things that frankly will shock people on earth. But, like Jesus, she will do things to make people notice. She will say I am here in London and I wish to be arrive at an event in Copenhagen or Tokyo. I will travel there now by thought energy expansion and immediately she will be there. People will stare in wonder and this will be on TV. She will appear instantly and the world will be in awe.
But, make no mistake the Emmanuelle will not be persecuted as Jesus was. The world, thank God, is more advanced and will be in 150 years. It will truly be ready to embrace her.
This will really be the last stage of the Great Awakening, after the Shift.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alien Technology for Earth

Some technology will be found. It will be evaluated and will help in the development of computers in the future. It will be a way of transmitting 3-D on a computer screen and a way of using computers without using a keyboard.
A super computer will be left by so called aliens. There will be some writing and a small amount of plants from the atmosphere where they come from. THESE PEOPLE LOOK LIKE US BARRY. It has all been about control.
When the nations of the world know that they are not alone, this will cause all men to stop and think that there is something much greater. This will be a moment greater than in 1969, when man landed on the moon.
The Grays work for the five races and are programmed to come there and help. They are alive, but are living robots, but they are not made of sheet metal. LOL.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance leads to death and disaster.

The Shift and the Great Awakening

During the Shift, mankind will, as said be interacting with so called aliens. They will take man on some space rides. Normal people will get whirlwind tours of many areas of the universe and so forth. People will be amazed at this. Gandar is here and he says EARTH PEOPLE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR FROM SO CALLED ALIENS. THEY ARE HERE TO HELP.
There are of course evil alien groups like the Foracaonians, but the five groups that help earth also protect it. There are millions of different alien species in our universe, too many to contemplate. Five are the friends of earth.
Now we move on to space ships arriving over the United States. There will be such great activity; many large formations, part of this Great Awakening. It is being speeded up. They will not yet contact man, but there will be many who see them. In the South, perhaps in Florida, so called aliens will leave something to be examined, something that man will analyze and say this is not human. This will be revealed and the government will not be able to deny this at all.
Did you ever think old friend that one reason for the government cover up for so long is that they and world religions would lose control over people. People will believe finally that there is more out there and something much greater than any government power. What is a government compared to the Creator and so called aliens? Governments want all control and power, but only the creator is the real power. When the so called aliens are known and interacted with, then the White House and governments are nothing.
That is the way it should be. That is the way it will be after such a gigantic showing of alien craft that is coming. What if I told you there will be 20 to 30 ships seen at noon and filmed. The government will try and deny it, but how much longer can this be denied? It is the truth and God Bless.

The Mars Cover-Up

There will be some evidence of life on Mars appearing. They will find footprints and wreckage perhaps. Whether the government does anything with this is hard to say. This is being covered up as well. They have the technology to get there and there have been missions to Mars. Look to an organization. They are the ones controlling things. Mr. Hoagland is right. NASA is a bit of a chimera to hide the truth.
There is a government organization responsible for sending men to Mars and the moon. They operate from a base in Nebraska, far from people. The base was used in the Cold War as well.

The Return of Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon is coming back in about ten years to help with the Shift. He will return to his nation. Look to Ohio. He will be back in politics again. He wants to make amends, to fix things per se, to change what he failed at in his mind. Many souls attempt to return and change things they failed at the first time. God Bless.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Foracaonians, Israel and So-Called Aliens

The reach of the Foracaonians has extended to Israel and there are those who wish to destroy Israel from other spheres as well. There is a special, chakra energy under Israel. This would be in the desert near the old fortress. One should look there for relics from another civilization that lived there. Not the Atlanteans or the Mitholonians. These people were mainly in this area and came from the galaxy Alexi, which is where Jesus came from. They sent him back to an area where the energy was higher for him. The energy from ancient civilizations is so high that it still lingers.
We say tonight and we will tell you that the majority of so-called aliens in our universe look very similar to earth people. There are a few genetic differences and such, but almost all look very similar to earth people.
Gandar says that new souls on earth are the result of earth as a backwater colony of so many alien races. I am allowed to say that over 20 alien races from five different alien groups sent new souls to earth. But, new souls from Pleiadian, Mitholonian and Alexian galaxies would not be anywhere near the level of the primitive new souls on earth.
So-called aliens will be there on earth during the Shift to assist all.
As said, most aliens in the universe here do look in fact like the people on earth old friend. So, it is no big deal; nothing to be frightened of and such. Do not fear them. Gandar is here. He says this: DO NOT FEAR THEM. THEY COME IN PEACE TO HELP ALL MANKIND.
They know mankind is very primitive and seek to do violence. Such is the sort of affairs on earth. The Emmanuelle will help change this. She is coming. This is on schedule. God Bless.
There will be more contacts with aliens. This is coming and the U.S. Government will begin to reveal more things. The government has aliens and works with them. We should say that the leaders of world governments and world religions have been told the Revelation, the Awakening is coming. They can do nothing to stop it.
The so-called aliens have told some religions, who do you think started this planet? This is a great joke on our plane.

The Awareness

We say tonight that most so-called aliens are not on the earth plane’s time. Most advanced civilizations such as the Pleiadians run on the Awareness. Things are done and happen because they are done and happen. Not because it is ten o’clock.

So-Called Aliens and Vibration Levels

Much of this so-called alien involvement and such are reported in desert areas. This is because the energy there is in line with what they need and they feel most comfortable with the vibrational levels in these areas. We say now that there are different vibrational levels everywhere on earth and sometimes when they hover over an area, they are doing tests to determine the vibrational levels and if this would be suitable for their work.
They are trying to help mankind. Most aliens are harmless. The ones you cannot see, such as the Foracaonians are the ones to watch out for and God Bless. Most aliens are there to help.
Souls cannot divide themselves and be in your plane and another plane at the same time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thought Power

The power of thoughts should not be underestimated. We will speak a little about this. Thoughts are energy and to think is of course to do. One person’s thought may be more powerful than another’s. Man still does not have the power to really move things or conjer up things immediately with thoughts. This will come in due time on your plane when the creator feels man is ready. These people who can move objects and so forth with their minds were so-called aliens who were sent to your plane to show the intellectually reluctant world to move forward.
The so-called aliens are anxious to break the news to the world that, yes, they are indeed real and they have been interacting with and are part of man’s development on the sphere called earth.
We say tonight that there are earth-like planets and realms. But, there is no planet that is exactly like earth.
But, there are planets that have humans on them just like earth. The planets are different in concept and shape and seasons and such. But, make no mistake, OUTSIDE OF YOUR GALAXY THERE ARE HUMANS.
Gandar says the Pleiadians are slightly different genetically. Humans were deposited on other planets that have the same environmental factors as earth. Most of these planets have evolved further except for one which is where earth was in about 1300 A.D. Nevertheless, earth is behind the other human planets, of which some are perhaps thousand of years ahead in technology and spiritual advancement.
One day man will look back on your time and mine and say what in the name of God were these people doing to each other.
The earth will again be clean and more beautiful than ever.

Aliens Among Us II

We shall now tell you how many so-called aliens walk the earth. About 7-10% of the world’s population are so-called aliens. They are there from one way or another. This can be through walk-ins, or simply transformations of energy and blending in with the population.
What’s a transformation?
This occurs when the soul is transferred from a human to an alien body. You do not understand this, so we will explain. What we are saying is that the alien does not come into the body in a transformation such as in a walk-in. But, the human is taken to an alien health center and the human is literally given information that only so-called aliens have. This is the easiest way for you to understand this. God Bless.
Yes, only a small percentage of those on earth arrived as so-called aliens. The Foracaonians are a small clique who have infiltrated the government and military and are now weakening. They will soon be gone. As we have mentioned before, any souls born within the next 100 years will not be allowed to live there. Even the lowliest soul will not be allowed to incarnate there. The planet will disappear, as if it has never been there before. It is all energy and such energy can indeed disappear.
This is the case of some who simply vanish from your planet. They are energy, higher energy actually and they just leave the earth plane and go to other planes. Some are indeed so-called aliens. Others are humans who did not know they could move into other dimensions and planes. As mentioned before, it is very hard for a human being to return to your plane when in another dimension. Usually, they must remain with us.

Monday, January 3, 2011

They Come in Peace for All Mankind

Yes, we say tonight that your current culture is really the only one on earth that hasn’t interacted daily with so-called aliens. What we mean is that earlier peoples on earth, such as Lemuria and Atlantis were in constant contact with so-called aliens.
For various reasons the creator let mankind go on its own without the assistance, at least openly from so-called aliens. Man has openly rejected these so-called aliens while knowing full well that souls from other planets come to earth regularly. This crucial time is coming in 2018. The revelation, the final awakening is coming to let the world know that all or at least most so-called aliens come in peace.
Mankind has nothing to fear from them. They truly want peace. They want mankind on earth to rise up to their levels of civilization, to the level of former earth civilizations. Mankind has been pulled backward too long. That is why the awakening is coming. When they arrive they will say and do things that will let the world know that they are here to help.

Minature Aliens

There is a race of ET’s that are what you would call minature; people less than six inches tall. They have a noble purpose in the universe and they are advanced, very advanced. They’re from the star system Sinyma.
Jack sensed I wasn’t taking the story of six-inch minature aliens seriously.
This is not a joke. They are minature, but they have the power to change size and are of course invisible. These so-called aliens appear undetectable on most places on earth. This is for a reason. Who do you think is making these so-called crop circles. The crop circles are not just markings, but there is a residue on them that so-called aliens use as navigational bearings.

The End of the Foracaonians

The creator has decided that the Foracaonians are to disappear from the universe. Yes, it sounds hard to fathom. They are not that large a force, but completely evil. They will be gone in 100 years in your time. There will be no new souls moving there. A soul has been allowed to go to Foracaon because of free will. Not all soul groups are good. Some are evil. But, the creator wishes that they turn to good. Foracaon will be a dead planet soon enough old friend.
As said Barry, every single event and happening and person and place and thing is inter-connected and has a logical purpose.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Aliens Among Us

There are many who travel into your plane from other spheres and planets old friend. We will name people who are true aliens and not star children or reincarnated aliens who came here to help as well. We speak of other Pleiadians who walk the earth now to help. Do you think Mr. Gates and Mr. Jobs receive their information out of nowhere. It’s laughable to think otherwise.
Mr. Jobs was a walk-in who took over from the original Steve Jobs during the 8th Grade time frame. Bill Gates was sent to earth at an early age and switched as a young baby. This is the truth that we speak and God Bless.

Mankind on Earth

As said since the time mankind first started on earth there has been interaction between man and so-called aliens. The so-called aliens have the ability to move in and out of galaxies and solar systems but not universes. No one from this universe may pass into another universe. There is a field of energy, per say, light energy to stop anyone. It simply cannot be done. When coming to the boundaries of your universe a craft would have to turn around. But, this area is so large, so expansive that one on your plane could not even imagine how large it is.
We move on to say that so-called aliens, mainly the Pleiadians and Mitholonians have mated with humans of all nations.
The Pleiadians are tall and lighter. The Mitholonians are darker. You and I are descendants of Pleiadians, although a family tree would be hard to trace. LOL. Latinos and Africans are really variants of the Mitholonians and Ronaleians. Asians are from a different star system. Gandar is here and says hello.
Hi Gandar.
Yes, aliens have been moving into the earth’s atmosphere for a long time. Mankind is descended from aliens. Really all of mankind is descended from aliens. Why is this so hard, so strange for the world to grasp? Now a little on the theory of evolution; how man decided to think that apes were his ancestors is almost a joke on this plane and there are many jokes about this. As said, these creatures are from a different planet and God Bless. Each single trait mankind has is from the planet or star system of the alien race that brought man to earth. This other idea that man was some type of slave for aliens is not true.
At first man lived longer at a time when man had not polluted his world. But, slowly after that a natural age progression developed for man on the earth sphere.
Some Pleiadians have blond hair and blue and green eyes. Earth is a true melting pot and that has led to such violent wars.

The Revelation and the Vatican UFO Cover-Up

Bobby is here and he says that there wil be more so-called alien activity in the United States. It will increase and increase and finally this true story will come out. Let us discuss this subject, this final “Revelation” of who these so-called aliens are and how this will happen.
As said, the actual apperance, the arrival per se, will be during the Shift while chaos is reigning. We see 2018 as the beginning of the Revelation. This has been covered up a long time during the history of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has documents that are buried in the Vatican vaults. These documents mention contact between some representatives of the European monarchy, Church officials and so-called aliens in the last 1500 years. Of course the Church wishes to cover this up. It’s a business and they would be out of business, I assure you.
These documents have logs that detail contact with alien nations, those we always speak of who are assigned by the creator to help earth.
There are documents that go as far back as Charlemagne. There have been secret meetings between the Vatican and so-called aliens. These aliens range from Pleiadians who mainly look like the Dutch to the Mitholonians who resemble the science fiction versions of aliens.
Gandar says the last pope spoke with the aliens at a secret base near Milan, Italy. There are hidden areas in the Italian Alps where meetings have beeen going on for many years. Before that the meetings were in Rome. Alien groups have told the Vatican and world governments that the time is coming when the old religions and such ways of thinking will be thrown aside. The Vatican knows that the whole story is not the exact truth.
Let us be clear; Jesus’ message is live the Golden Rule. Yes, Jesus was an ET. He was put on earth by alien races from a distant galaxy. This has been part of the cover up. The cover up is mainly to prevent worldwide chaos, but the creator has decided that the world must know the truth. In order for mankind to progress into the Aquarian Age, man must move forward from these old Piscean ways of black and white religious dogma.
These so-called aliens are working with the Church and the Vatican knows the clock is running out. The Vatican understands this and that much of what they say is right, but also wrong. The cover up also involves technology that is being used and hidden. In 1965 there was a meeting between Soviet, U.S., British and French representatives and those from four alien nations. The aliens stated that there will not be another third world war. Any action started would be diffused. They told them to find ways to come to peace with their ideologies. Finally, the alien nations warned the Soviet Union that their way of life would not last forty more years. Communism was supposed to collapse in the time frame 1992-2000. But, its demise was speeded-up by Reagan and Pope John Paul II. Both of these men were sent by the creator to destroy this type of government and they succeeded in their mission.
So, you see the cover up is not going to continue much longer.
Every month and year passes until July 26, 2018, when the Revelation will come. This will show that man is not alone. Alien spacecraft will come in peace for the universe and the progression of mankind. People will say, it’s okay, we knew this was the truth anyway. There will be technology revealed and things seen and recorded that build up to this day.

Fossil Fuel Damage

"And, now we speak of aliens, so-called aliens. They are doing some repairs to the sun right now as its rays being are toned down to avoid burning through to the earth. Fossil fuel pollution has spread to the sun and across your solar system and has caused imbalances. A highly evolved alien race has traveled very far from another universe. They are there to repair this damage. "

Electronic Reading Devices

"Your electronic reading devices are primitive crystals. Many in our plane and on advanced planets and spheres use crystal type devices for reading. "

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Plight of Mankind

"Bobby is here and he wishes to say hello and he wishes to tell the people on earth that their number one goal is not to destroy the planet, but to save it. This is something we would like to touch upon. Every single day of one's existence on earth should be dedicated in even the smallest way to harvesting and planting the seeds for future generations of all fauna and flora on the planet."

"We are tired, many spirits are tired of watching the plight of mankind. The people of earth have set a course for moving backwards for a long time. The time is coming when the earth will once again have a chance to catapult itself into the same level of existence as your closest neighbors, the Pleiadians."

"Earth has a chance in the next 50 to 100 years to be where Lemuria left off. Many souls are now entering your plane who led many lives on Lemuria."

"Look to the stars and you will see the earth's future. Man must move away from the shackles that have left him behind, such as old religious dogmas and the avoidance, the cover up of the so-called aliens who are nothing more than other souls. Many of them look just like you. "

"Peace and God bless."
“What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time, but peace for all time.”

President John F. Kennedy